Plumpton Wildlife & Habitat Group

Plumpton Wildlife & Habitat Group has a new website at
Please visit the site for information about all our projects,  events and work projects and wildlife sightings in the parish - and to tell us your wildlife news.

Jubilee Wildflower Meadow

We officially launched the Plumpton Jubilee Wildflower Meadow on Monday 4 June at the Jubilee Village Fair. The meadow is being created on the King George V Playing Fields, on the slope leading down to the stream at the northern end. We are working with Glyn Wells to introduce a mowing regime that will enable the flowers to seed and spread.

Plumpton Wildlife & Habitat Group had its own stand at the fair, where we gave away leaflets on making your garden wildlife-friendly and creating a mini wildflower meadow, and sold bee-friendly plants to raise funds. We also asked people to sponsor an orchid for the meadow, which proved very popular.



Out now!  The report of our survey of Plumpton's wildlife habitats, edited by Jacqui Hutson and fully illustrated with photos and maps. The booklet is available FREE from Plumpton Green village shop and the station, but if you make a donation (we suggest a minimum of £1.00) it will help cover the costs of the next survey.
Download the Booklet as a pdf:
Plumpton's Wildlife Habitats - A Survey.pdf Plumpton's Wildlife Habitats - A Survey.pdf
Size : 3217.128 Kb
Type : pdf

Download our January Newsletter:

PW&HG newsletter-Jan 2012.pdf PW&HG newsletter-Jan 2012.pdf
Size : 444.835 Kb
Type : pdf

Search for the Brown Hairstreak


On the chilly but bright afternoon of 7 December, fifteen people (not all Plumpton residents) accompanied Michael Blencowe's hunt for the eggs of the brown hairstreak butterfly in the hedges to the west of Plumpton Station. Michael explained how the butterflies spend their time high in the canopy where they feed on the honeydew secreted by aphids.  This behaviour means that they are seen rarely but the female descends to lay her eggs on blackthorn in late summer. She is very choosy, laying single eggs in the forks of young twigs quite low down and in positions where the warmth of the sun will be sufficient for caterpillar development in the following spring. Unfortunately the twigs she selects are very often the suckers that grow outside the hedge line and are the ones that fall victim to the flail machines in the autumn. Landowners could really help the conservation of this butterfly by cutting back blackthorn suckers on a rotational basis, leaving some sections uncut every year and sparing at least some of the next generation of butterflies. The brown hairstreak is a species restricted to southern England and Plumpton is its easternmost recorded location in Sussex.

We found seven eggs.

 The Great Egg Hunt

Photo courtesy of Ian Seccombe

Brown Hairstreak Egg

Photo courtesy of Ian Seccombe

SHLAA and housing development

Public consultation opens in August.  For the PWHG report please go to Surveys


As part of the  Station Partnership Scheme we have created two wildflower areas. Sparrow boxes have now been installed using funding received from ACorP. The area was cut during the first week of September when the Toadflax had set seed. There will be two further cuttings over the winter.


Sea Trout spawned on stretches that the Sussex Ouse Conservation Society (SOCS) worked on last summer.  One is on the Bevern near Novington Lane and the other is on the Plumpton Mill stream.

Spawning sea trout, Bevern Stream - Jon Wood (30/12/10)




The following people very kindly sponsored an orchid.

Irene Homer

Sue Bromage

Judith and Ian Miller

Gill Biss

Evelyn Botterel

Julie Russell

Jean Eagle

Tony Everett

Frank Bex

Sally Everett

Mike Allen

Annemarie Allen

Peter Baker

Liz Halliday

Julia Hadden

Rosalie Sinclair-Smith

Jean Walker

Ruth Cartwright

Carol Turner

and two anonymous sponsors.

Thank you all. The funds will be used to add to the wildflower species in the meadow.